
Unmatched security, our priority

Protect your data with Sketchnote's advanced security measures.

google platform

"Our agency management has
never been better"

product hunt platform

“The flexibility for performance analytics
KPIs has enhanced our reporting”

Monitor your system

Brief overview of the company's commitment to security and the
importance of protecting client data.


Maximum uptime and availability

Experience unparalleled reliability with Sketchnote’s 99% uptime guarantee. Your social media, ad analytics, and agency management tools are always accessible, ensuring uninterrupted operations.


Activity logs (coming soon)

Maintain full control and transparency with detailed activity logs. Track every action within your account to enhance security and streamline management, ensuring accountability and peace of mind.


Brief overview of the company's commitment to security and the
importance of protecting client data.

SSL Encryption

Ensure the highest level of data protection with SSL encryption on Sketchnote. All communications are securely encrypted, safeguarding your sensitive information from unauthorized access.

AWS server availability

Leverage the reliability of AWS servers located in North Virginia and Mumbai. Enjoy fast, secure, and scalable infrastructure to support your global digital management needs.

Authenticated Access

Ensure that only authorized users can access your Sketchnote account with robust authentication protocols. This added layer of security helps protect your sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Regular Security Audits

We maintain the highest security standards with routine security audits. These comprehensive reviews help us identify and address vulnerabilities, ensuring your data remains protected.

Privacy by Design

Sketchnote is built with privacy at its core, integrating data protection principles into every aspect of the platform. This proactive approach safeguards user information from ground up.

User Data Logging

Monitor and analyze user activity with detailed data logging. This feature helps detect suspicious behavior and provides a trail for security audits and compliance checks.

Bring all your agency
operations on one page

The complete solution for your social media, ad performance,
and agency management needs

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