A VC CRM tool that gets the job done

Manage deals, investor relationships and portfolios, all on one intuitive platform

Work together, from anywhere

With remote teams becoming the norm, Sketchnote's platform is ready to serve your needs, no matter where you are in the world. Help make smoother team-wide communication, collaboration, tracking and management a reality for your team

How Sketchnote can help VC and Angel firms

Make CRM easy

From deal pipelines to client databases—find all the information you need to ensure a smooth flow of your deals, in one place. Centralize your communication and relationship management by bringing your contacts and emails on one page and save valuable time

Reporting analytics for data-backed decisions

Drive deals and plot your way forward with data as your cornerstone with analytics on every company in your portfolio. Get the real-time insights you need on your pipelines to take informed calls, and share clear figures with investors and companies alike

Integrate with your favorite tools

From Google Calendars to track your meetings, to Zoom for setting them up, Sketchnote's easy-to-setup integrations bring all your important work, right into the platform. Connect your task boards from JIRA, your Slack channels, and even your HubSpot forms for efficient project management

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Miles Ronson


Nisi tempor enim vel habitant ut facilisis sit eulacinia augue malesuada venenatis nibh integer nec adipiscing vulputate lobortis.

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Miles Ronson


Nisi tempor enim vel habitant ut facilisis sit eulacinia augue malesuada venenatis nibh integer nec adipiscing vulputate lobortis.

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What Our Users Say - TechOS X Webflow Template

Miles Ronson


Nisi tempor enim vel habitant ut facilisis sit eulacinia augue malesuada venenatis nibh integer nec adipiscing vulputate lobortis.

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What Our Users Say - TechOS X Webflow Template

Miles Ronson


Nisi tempor enim vel habitant ut facilisis sit eulacinia augue malesuada venenatis nibh integer nec adipiscing vulputate lobortis.

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Tools for the modern VC and Angel associate

Build centralized database

Host portfolio company information, clients and outreach information with 10+ views in Sketchnote files

Email integration

Bring your inbox into Sketchnote to turn mails into tasks and keep a tab on the most vital issues at hand

Manage pipeline

Use Sketchnote's Kanban boards to simplify your path forward and keep up with fast-paced pitch changes. Close deals quicker by taking informed calls

Dashboards for data

Let data be the cornerstone for your deal approaches. The information generated by your boards gives you a 360°, visual into deal sizes, KPIs, win rates and more, so you can take the right call

Sharing made easy

Easily generate and share reports with stakeholders and clients to keep your progress rate going

Centralized hub for all data

Find all relevant data based on not just your deals, but also internal functioning, in one handy location

Docs and wikis

Create your one source of truth and FAQs for your team and portfolio companies in one place


Create hierarchical folder structures for each company or project to get a top-down view of everything you need to know


Kickstart private workspaces for every project to demarcate virtual office areas within your VC firm, without overlaps


Add your Google Calendar to Sketchnote to never miss another meeting


From JIRA to Monday to Trello and Asana—populate crucial tasks within Sketchnote any time your partners update their task boards outside the platform

More Integrations

Choose from 10+ integration options with your favorite tools like Slack and Notion to bring your information into Sketchnote and to alert you about changes within the platform

Get started with time-saving templates

How our customers are using Sketchnote

"Sketchnote is one of the most intuitive platforms I’ve used to manage my tasks and documents (and I’ve used a LOT of them!) From the time I logged onto the platform, it was really easy for me to get started as the product doesn’t need any learning curve. We run sales on Sketchnote that includes the end-to-end process from prospecting a new customer to obtaining a go/ no-go decision. I personally love the Kanban boards feature as it lets us organize and manage all our prospects really well."
Ronak Massand
Co-founder, Adaptive
"Sketchnote has made team collaboration much easier—now all my team members are on the same page. It has also lowered our software cost compared to buying multiple productivity tools separately. I love that we don’t have to jump around different files or file types, and that makes the creative process much smoother."
Kashyap Purani
Co-founder and CEO, Aarogram

Say goodbye to a million tools

Files not intuitive enough
a ton of un-read threads
yet another app for brainstorming
hundreds of documents
tasks, tasks & more tasks!